Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The members of PCADV recognize that the struggle of each battered woman we serve is related to our individual struggles for personal growth and empowerment. We are committed to the ideas and practices of a supportive, non-competitive atmosphere in all aspects of our programs, which fosters open communications, respect, and cooperation among all members of the Coalition.
We help battered women deal with and overcome the oppressions we all face, i.e., sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, and ageism. We support and encourage and will work for the participation of all women battered, women of color, lesbians, differently-abled, older, and poor women.
We encourage and work for the participation of all people who pursue these goals.
We recognize that all people have power; we strive to help women recognize that power within themselves and we affirm that we will not use the power to divide us.
Visit www.pcadv.org to learn more.
Peg J. Dierkers, PhD
PCADV Executive Director
Peg J. Dierkers, PhD is the executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She has been very successful in directing advocacy for victims, fundraising and other important operations for nonprofits, government institutions, and national commercial businesses. She also led three very significant policy reforms. Peg grew a volunteer only AIDS network that was community-based agency into a statewide leader on advocacy, policy, and delivery. She has devoted her career to helping and leading organizations.

PA Says No More
NO MORE is spotlighting an invisible problem in a whole new way. The first unifying symbol to express support for ending domestic violence and sexual assault, NO MORE can be used by anyone who wants to end domestic violence and sexual assault. Our vision is that NO MORE will be everywhere – on websites, t-shirts, billboards. Organizations and corporations, large and small, will embrace this symbol as their own. When an abuse case makes media headlines, you will instantly see NO MORE being tweeted, discussed on Facebook, worn as jewelry and on t-shirts; made into buttons and posted in classrooms, offices, billboards and grocery stores across the country. NO MORE will help end the stigma, shame and silence of domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE will help increase funding to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. NO MORE will help to change behaviors that lead to this violence.
Get the symbol today and start showing your support.
Visit www.pasaysnomore.com to learn more.

Crisis Center North
Crisis Center North is committed to assisting victims of domestic violence in our community through a variety of resources and confidential services. The Center provides free empowerment counseling and advocacy to adult, teen, and child victims of domestic violence in the northern and western communities of Allegheny County. Crisis Center North also provides educational programming to community and school programs.
Crisis Center North has been a program member of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence since its incorporation. The Coalition is a statewide organization of 61 domestic violence programs that ensure that member organizations maintain the highest standards and provide quality services to victims of domestic violence across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Services are provided to individuals regardless of race, age, gender, disability, economic status, or sexual orientation.

Women’s Center & Shelter
Founded in 1974 by Ellen Berliner and Anne Steytler, Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (WC&S) was one of the first six shelters in the United States for battered women. Since that time, WC&S has been at the forefront of the Battered Women’s Movement, creating and implementing innovative and effective programming aimed at preventing domestic violence and providing services to domestic violence victims.
In the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year, Women’s Center served 11,283 women and children through all of its programs. Of that total, 6,729 were unduplicated clients. Domestic violence has been ongoing throughout the ages, all over the world; it wasn’t until the early 1970s that domestic violence was even given a name and recognized as a national problem.
The mission of Women’s Center and Shelter is to end intimate partner violence in the lives of women and their children.

Center for Vistims
Healing trauma, supporting victims, and creating social change for a more peaceful community.
Together, we will:
- Break the cycle of violence in our community.
- Establish a complete continuum of care for adults and children who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, homicide and other types of violence and crime.
- Become a visible rape crisis, sexual assault, domestic violence, homicide and other victims of violence and crimes’ provider to ensure that victims of all crimes have immediate access to services.
- Ensure that the criminal justice system supports and protects victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and all forms of violence and crime.
- Become the trusted source for information about the rights and needs of all victims of crime, and the services available.
- Become the trusted community resource for imparting non-violent approaches to resolving conflict and establishing conflict competency among individuals and groups.
- Become a regional and national leader among victim service agencies.